Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim
Copyrighted to Eric Sim

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Cycling @ ECP

Mummy: Woah, you are burnt. (Laughs)

That's what we had in return for cycling at ECP yesterday. Huiling, Soonie, Stephie and i had sunburns after a 2-hour cycle in ECP. Till now, it's still burning or rather, itching. I looked like a cooked lobster. And Miss Huiling is going for a second round today. Geez...

After lunch at KFC, we rented bicycles from the nearest shop in BigSplash. It cost me $12! Grrr... so expensive! 2 years ago, we only rented bikes for $6 or so for 2-3 hours. Here, economics played a part... Inflation rates, cost of crude oil increasing, etc... FINE! Unwillingly, i parted with my $12... Sobs... Lol. Sound like a miser. Haha... Who cares? I had LOTS of FUN!

We completed one side of the park which was a short distance away from BigSplash. Then we made a U-turn and headed for the other direction. Mission: To complete the entire route before we make our way back to the bicycle rental shop 2 hours later. That was a bad choice.

1 hour later, we parked at a convenient store to get some drinks. The crazy weather was dehydrating us. And we were drained out.

But the breeze that accompanied the ride was refreshing. Feeling the wind slap against my face, that was just so exhilarating. What's more, the adrenaline rush was simply amazing. Unable to drive a car now, i'm somewhat satisfied with that of a bike.

Along the way, we stopped by two jetties to enjoy the sea breeze. Parks and beaches are truly great places for relaxation. Indeed, it lifts one's mood up, real high.

Due to the lack of time, we were unable to complete our mission. We headed back to BigSplash instead. And yes, cycling is a great time to people watch too! Bladers, Caucasians (YAY!), little kids, couples, families, friends, first-timers... This reminds me. Huiling and i were riding side by side when we saw this guy so engrossed in people watching, he didn't notice a water hose that was laid across the tracks and tripped over it. Ouch! Watch it, man! *Giggles*

Very quickly, 2 hours came to an end. We cleaned up and walked over to Carl's Jr with wobbly legs for a drink. Not a very refreshing drink for i made really bad iced tea. So sorry, gals. =x

I love the shuttle bus. It was PRIVATE! A chaffeur, a bus leader and only the four of us on board. Hehe.. We were busy snapping pictures and our little chaffeur stole glances at us. Hey, don't peep! Well, we paid a dollar for each private bus ride though. But it was fun in the bus. Haha..

Bushed. Longed for a refreshing bath~

Stephie & Huiling @ Bedok Jetty

Enjoying our private bus ride

Sisters Three!

My Jie~

*Stephie LOVES taking pics. LOL. Oops. =x

Posted by Lynette at 10:14 PM

Friday, June 27, 2008
Pizza Hut with Mummy & Babe

A rare opportunity came by where Babe didn't have volleyball training after school hours and i was free. Grabbing hold of it, i got Mummy and Babe to Pizza Hut for lunch!

That's another tick off my to-do list. It had been unmarked since i made this promise months back. Finally, it's done! One burden off my chest.

We were enveloped by lots of students. Tables all around were school kids. Oh man... suddenly, i felt old again. So sad...

Lunch was filling. Just the pasta, soup and drink made me bloated. Appetite's getting smaller. Hahaha

Then it's shopping time! To ease the stomach bulge after a heavy lunch. Bought myself 2 pairs of shorts. So happy! The addiction kicked in again. Bad bad bad. Babe too! That's why we are sisters :))

CS as usual. Shopped around for some other stuff and poof we were out from Causeway Point. Tireddddddddd

Posted by Lynette at 11:31 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Coordination of Two Feet Only?

Somewhere in the newspapers last week, a European grandma in her early 60s was featured for having completed 32,000 km over the past 5 years in an attempt to highlight the preciousness of life, at the same time, raise awareness on prostate cancer after it took away her husband's life.

Crazy it may sound, given her age and the distance covered. However, she simply shelved her accomplishment aside, saying it was the least she could do. But this final line of hers struck me deep. "I had to do something and this was a small thing really - just putting one foot in front of the other."

Easier said than done. Seriously. I cultivated a habit of jogging a few years back but simply gave up after several months. It wasn't as easy as "just putting one foot in front of the other" as she mentioned.

First, the mere thought of the running process puts me off. Second, all the pain my feet is going to experience makes me shun away from jogging even more. I don't wish to have a repetition of the muscles swelling at the arch of my foot, and the weak ankles acting up again.

Moreover, joggers must have determination, willpower and be mentally strong in order to complete the distance they set for themselves. All of which, i lack. I suppose i'm just plain lazy.

That's why i always admire marathoners who enthusiastically signed up when Singapore announced earlier this year about its up and coming Olympic and Ultra Marathons. I guess i would never ever sign up for one my whole life. Those gruelling runs... they enjoyed the process of it all. 42km... 84km... Geez, one foot in front of the other only? I believe there's more than just the movements of the feet.

And not only the marathoners. Success stories of men and ladies who set up an exercise regime for themselves, determined to lose some pounds off their heavy frames. When will i ever get myself to do that?

Argh!!! I need some serious motivation to get my feet moving. Haha... i wonder when will that be... =x

Posted by Lynette at 8:49 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008
Kbox with Babe

I kept my promise. Brought Babe to Kbox on Sunday. She loves to sing, just like me. Haha...

3 hours long. Oh man.. my voice literally cracked. Somehow, after it cracked, the songs sounded better. Weird.

And Babe can sing Angela Zhang's songs! Omg, her key is kinda high. I seldom attempt her songs for it would only earn me a sore throat. *Claps*

She disliked the lunch so much so that she didn't finish her food. Babe wasted food~ Anyway, it was chicken rice. One of her all-time favourite. Amazed. Then she claimed she was hungry. &%*!@(*) Really deserved to be bashed up.

Glad she enjoyed herself before the new semester started. Work hard Babe!

Posted by Lynette at 11:24 PM

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tennis BBQ - 21 June 2008

Man/boy stealing ladies' spotlight... Tsk tsk

Current Tennis Club Members!

Tennis Club Alumni 2008!

BBQ @ Chris' Place.

The night belonged to the tennis club members and Chris' brother [Ren Yi]. Coincidentally, it was his birthday as well. Not that the club had won in any tournament and called for a celebration... Merely a night to have fun and spend perhaps the very last gathering before all of us go our separate ways. Guys to NS, girls to work or further studies. Sounds sad, but that reality. Unless the current batch organises another. Haha...

It was truly a night of laughter, catching up and fun! I hope everyone did enjoy themselves. Matchmaker failed in doing his job well. Haha... Saved the kids from embarrassment though.

Coach turned up with his wife. How sweet. =) There he went teasing almost everyone he saw. Haha...

As usual, Chris was made the culprit for every minor incident which happened. Two incidents with the birthday cake, one with the durian agar agar, and what had them. Poor him.

Weijie showed off his singing talent once again! Ought to take part in a singing competition man! Babe was blown away by his singing. Lol. Oops.

Dave was back to mainland Singapore before setting off to Tekong on Sunday again. Looked the same actually. Lol. Not many changes. Perhaps he got slightly tanner only? And of course, BOTAK!

Babe loved Sidney for whatever reason she had. He is cute, he is humorous and his laughter is contagious. Sorry Ren Yi, Sidney stole your limelight.

And there's Hui Ching, Audrey and SK whom i hadn't met in months or even years. Great to see them again. Hui Ching was still the same old bubbly her. Audrey is getting slimmer each time i see her. Can i feed you some of my fats? >.<>

Last but not least, the current tennis club members. Those of whom showed up for the bbq: Dennis, Jason, Wei Siong, Ji Yong and Keniji. The latter two showed up late and expected food to be ready for them. Sorry, minor hiccups earlier and the bbq started late. Only buffet to satisfy you guys for the moment. Haha... Oops.

Like every other time, Dennis was busy disturbing people. Tsk tsk... Lol. Smash cake in my face?! Dream on. Haha... You will have cream up your nostrils if you ever do that to me. ;)

Jason was irritated by a kid from the next bbq table. Persistently wanted to play with his PSP. Unable to swing him off until much later. Poor Jason. At least he was attracted to your PSP and not you.

Wei Siong... Come to bbq, eat until too full. In the end, sat down to chat on the phone with ahem ahem. For that, he was not spared by the guys. Instantaneously, he was teased and made fun of . Haha... Lesson learnt: Never do anything personal at a gathering which can spark a rumor.

Oh yes. And how can i forget that public portable toilet? I was awed by technology once again. The toilet has all the facilities needed for both businesses. A rim of toilet paper, a sink, soap, a hand dryer and most importantly the toilet bowl. There was no flush attached to the toilet bowl at all. No tap to turn the water on, no sensor to get the water running. Present were two pumps only. One to flush and the other to turn the water on. Just step, step and step. You get whatever you want. SO COOOOL! Sounds like a bloody sua gu.

Guess i end off here or the post will be never-ending with too many details. And i had to end the post talking about a toilet. Oh man... =.=

Anyway, to express my gratitude: Thanks Chris and family! Thanks to all who turned up for the bbq yesterday night! It wouldn't have been a success without you guys. :))

Posted by Lynette at 6:24 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Are you the one?

It is coming to a month since i last heard from you. There were so many times i toyed with the idea of contacting you first but then, i simply gave up the idea of doing so. Up till today, i am still hearing no news from you. Neither did you take the first move.

I'm still carrying the hope that you will approach me first but that may seem almost impossible now. Having heard news that you've got attached, all hopes are dashed. My heart sank but nothing that painful. I've learnt to take things lightly after ...

Oh well, perhaps we are not meant to be, not ready to take the first step, not ready to face each other after that night. Your words made my heart flutter but those could all just be sweet nothings. Regrettably, i did not cherish that moment with you. So many burning questions but i couldn't seem to get them out.

Since no initiatives were taken, that just marked the end of whatever-you-wanna-call-it. Sad though but that's life. You lead yours, i lead mine. Perhaps we are merely passers-by in each other's lives.

Take care my friend.

Posted by Lynette at 12:47 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
You (19 Dec 2007)

Obstacles in life... While some are easy to overcome, others may not be so.

I waited patiently for her to arrive. Finally she came. I was really, really happy to see her again. It had been ages since we last met.

Well-liked by many, she was still the same old jovial her. Nothing was amiss. Just that it seemed as if she had lost some much needed pounds off her petite frame.

Curious to find out how she was doing, i engaged a conversation with her. Controlling the conversation with my many questions, she answered them readily. All i expected to hear was a "They are all doing fine/great." But that sentence never came.

The truth was deafening. I couldn't come to terms with what she had just said. A lump had unknowingly formed at the back of my throat. I gulped it down and stared blankly at her. For that split second, she had a distant sad look in her eyes.

How much i wanted to hug her there and then. But bred an Asian, i had my reservations. All i could offer was a pat on her shoulder. This heartwrenching news was too much to bear.

Being a stranger to the family, i found it hard to accept the truth. What's more the immediate family members. It definitely will be a life-changing event for them all.

The conversation i had with her replayed again and again after that night. I don't know how i will be able to cope if that ever happened to me. Well, though i know it will someday. It's just a matter of time.

The fragility of life... An obstacle which will take years to overcome.

Life's really unfair at times. Why must You give them everything and take away what's most precious to them?

I said a little prayer for you and your family. I sincerely hope all of you will be able to pull through and walk out from this darkness. God bless.

Posted by Lynette at 5:59 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
FTT & Kbox

I had a fitful sleep last night. I cleanly forgotten about my FTT test [which was today], until Sunday night when i was about to go to bed. S.H.I.T.

Monday was spent staying home, reading through the test questions. One after another. I even took notes. =.= All that clutch and different brakes were driving me nuts. And some of the answers didn't make utter sense to me. Too much common sense and logic can work against one at times.

Sat for the test with Huiling. That touchscreen was really... i have nothing to say. It didn't like the softness of the fingers but preferred the hard, pricky nails emerging from the fingers. I was literally putting up a fight with it.

For the first 20 questions, i was struggling to get that stubborn screen to follow my instructions. The two persons seated beside me must have thought i was some mad fellow. All thanks to that stubborn screen which refused to budge. Sensitivity level should be pushed to the max man. Since it didn't like my gentle touches, I had it bobbing back and forth with every hard push i gave. Neither did it work. I was really exasperated.

For the next 30 questions, i POKED it. Obediently, it cooperated with my fingernails. So that was the trick. FingerNAILS. It hated the finger. It loved the nails.

Finally, i ended that misery of mine. Checked it once through. Didn't want to spend extra cash and time for failing this test. With 25 minutes left, i ended the test and prayed hard. What appeared on the screen made my day. *Smiles*

Rushed to NTUC, got some stuff and hurried home. I had slightly more than a hour before i run late for my appointment. Lunched and washed up before i headed out again. Luckily, i was reasonably late. Just 5 minutes. The rest came later. Hahaha! Some consolation there.

So what can 5 people who came from all parts of Singapore [just lacking the South] be doing at 2pm in AMK Central? The only answer is KBOX! Our lalala~ time.

Weijie's singing marvelled me throughout. That's one plus point in addition to his charisma. No wonder he's such an eligible bachelor. Girls fawning all over him. Oddly, i wasn't attracted to him since day one when i got to know him. Something is really wrong with my senses. Lol. Nevertheless, he's a nice friend to hang out with. An ideal contender for those idol competitions. If only i joined choir in secondary school... Argh!!

Tailun was really cute when he sang. Somehow, he seemed to be catching up with the lyrics all the time. But his voice is powerful. Need some honing and ta da! A new star will be born. Lol.

And my two buddies, Eugene and Chris. Chris and his 2-litre waterbottle. Wooo~ Shocked expressions appeared from face to face. Lol. And great! Eugene made it to the Guiness Book of Records for appearing in Kbox TWICE, to date. Haha...

Accompanied Tailun to dinner afterwhich. He wiped his mouth and had two pieces of toufu floating in his soup. So i casually commented that he didn't finished his toufu. He gave it a little thought and later reasoned that they were good for health. The next second, he had them popped into his mouth. LOL. Such a cutie. Are people born on 17 Dec always that adorable?

Posted by Lynette at 8:35 PM

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day

It's Father's Day!!!

Ever wondered about the origins of Father's Day? Well, here goes...

The celebration of Father's Day was inspired by the success of Mother's Day (which was observed nationally for the first time in 1914). Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, was listening to a Mother's Day sermon in church in 1909 and decided that fathers deserved a similar day of recognition. Her father, a Civil War veteran, raised Sonora and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth. She circulated a petition suggesting the third Sunday in June (the month in which her father was born) and urging people to wear a rose on that day in honor of their fathers. The first Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910. It was not until 1966, under President Lyndon B. Johnson, that it was proclaimed a national holiday and observance of this on the third Sunday in June was made a law in 1972.

- Adapted from

Lunch was whipped up by Mummy and Babe, as requested by Daddy. The two elder ones were hmmm.. busy with their Uni matriculations and were spared.

A very simple meal, a mix of Italian-Asian main course. Spaghetti in tomato puree (Italian), accompanied with capsicum, diced chicken breast meat, small prawns and sliced button mushrooms. It was yummilicious! The grated cheese melted once it touched the piping hot spaghetti. Ohhh~ so mouth watering. =p

Dinner was also upon Daddy's request. Well, he's the King of the day. Pizza was what he wanted. And he took a liking to the sweet 'n' spicy drumlets. Haha... Daddy's really cute at times. Shared among the three kids, we treated Daddy to pizza. In the end, three of us ate the most. =.=

Family meal comprising of two regular pizzas, two garlic bread, and 6 roasted honey wings. In addition, we ordered sweet 'n' spicy drumlets, more honey roasted wings, and the Hut's classic breadstixs. Father's Day became pretty Italian for once?

It was a stay home Father's Day but hope Daddy did enjoy his meals.

To all fathers out there, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

Posted by Lynette at 10:45 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Baoyi's BBQ (14 June 2008)

Met up with Stephie for shopping at AMK Hub. Too bad Soonie was unavailable. Both of us got carried away looking at clothes and forgot about the gifts she had to select for her colleagues. Oh man... Little did i know how much she loved checkered and striped blouses. Lol.

Then it was time for Baobao's bbq. Her bro's really good in barbeque-ing the food. Everything was grilled perfectly. The chickidy wings were yum yum! I wanted to have another but it was too far away. Lol. Stingray was not bad too. Very succulent. Just that the sambal didn't make the cut. Sliced pork. Woooo~ One of my favourites of all time. My size tells it all.

In addition, there were prawns, hotdogs, fishballs, beehoon, noodles, curry chicken, marshmallows and hashbrowns. Licks~

Pretty large turnout. Soonie, Wanqi, Valerie, Yiling, Xhi Ween, Guan Hong, Dickson, Yong Wei, Shuwen, Shan, Veon. Last but not least, Elaine!! She popped by for awhile. So good to see her again. A pity Sher didn't join us.

Caught up with Elaine alittle. Her driving's va va vroom! It was hell of a ride man! Lol.

Thanks for the bbq, Baobao! It was really nice. =)

Posted by Lynette at 11:50 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th, famously known as the black friday...

Nothing that gloomy at all. In fact, i had a great time enjoying myself.

Lunched with Weijie, Eugene and Chris at Suki Sushi. I supposed we filled our tummies with air more than food. Laughed and laughed non stop. Sushi's really filling with all that glutinous rice. Futhermore, Eugene initiated a salmon sashimi and tuna sushi frenzy. Geez... The sight of them sickened me.

Seated across our table was a big group of sunshine guys, most probably dragonboat rowers. They looked good, especially one of them. His casual dress sense matched his toned and tanned skin. Perfect. All i disliked were the pair of shoes on his feet. Canvas without velcro, looked so girlish. Ewww please.

Stayed in till 4pm before we headed to the theatre for our movie. Kungfu Panda! Superb! Clumsy but awfully cute Panda was awesome! All i couldn't understand was how his dad (a duck) produced such a large panda... Was the mum a panda? Beats me.

Anyway, it was a great movie, worth the time and money. Uber hilarious. Those who haven't watched it should give it a shot. The ending was a sweet one, of course.

Since pubbing was brought forward to another day next week, we left Orchard for home.

Black friday? Nah, nothing of that sort.

Posted by Lynette at 10:32 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Final Day of Work

A week filled with activities. Friends' meet up, family outings, work, gathering...

It's only during this period where one can truly relax and have fun, while awaiting for entry into the Uni. Come to think of it, it's barely 4 years before i embark on another new journey. 4 years seem so near yet so far. That will mark the start of another period of struggle and strive for survival. By then, reliance is no longer on the parents but on oneself.

This brings me back to the days in Poly where days flew by, and 3 years passed without my knowledge. Till graduation did this realisation slowly dwell in. During these 3 years, i found the true me.

It felt good to be myself, after hiding away in that shell for 5 long years. The years where i felt really lousy about myself. I didn't dare to speak out, poke fun nor be the true crazy me. All that was instilled in me was to study, study and more studying. I felt really sick of that life. Well, my parents never pushed me once. Just that peers around me did far better than i did. It was extremely pressurizing. Until the day where i received my O Level results, i was firm in my decision to take the Poly route.

At first, i wasn't sure if i made the right choice. But as days grew on, I knew how much I wanted this life from the start. A mixture of work and play. Nothing too serious. We joked and teased one another at anytime of the day. In lectures, tutorials and even project meet-ups. I thoroughly enjoyed the times we spent together in Poly. Coursemates... tennis pals... Oh so good! Honestly speaking, they were the best years in my life thus far.

This makdes me wonder what awaits for me in Uni... The next 3 years are the days where i'm going to make a punch in my life. I'm the director, scriptwriter and actress of my life. Whatever beholds... it's for you and me to find out.

Random: Right now, all i'm dreaming of is a makeover... >.<

Posted by Lynette at 10:06 PM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Lesbians & Gays

Why do girls turn to lesbianism?
"That's because GUYS are huge disappointments."

Why do guys turn to gay-ism?
"Not because girls are a disappointment. Just that they find GUYS more attractive."



*The above text is neither meant to humiliate nor discriminate against homosexuals. Purely subjective.

Posted by Lynette at 12:55 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Jurong East

Focus point: Jurong East (JE)

Daddy introduced us to a wanton noodle stall at the coffeeshop beside a row of ATM machines. Well, we ended up not only eating the wanton noodles, as usual. Like always, the table will be filled with LOTS of food. Delicious, nevertheless.

I never knew JE was a financial hub till today. Just walking from one end to another, all i saw were banks and more banks. The miniature version of the prime CBD area. Impressive. Good venue to source for potential bfs. LOL.

Afterwhich, it was shopping time! Shopped for groceries in NTUC. Daddy and Mummy stacked lots of sanitary pads on me. LOL. As if i was menustrating forever. Oh man! A lady walked past us and looked amused. Geez, so unsightly.

Thereafter, we proceeded to Jurong Entertainment Centre. Went to the 3rd level and looked at people ice skate. Looked fun but scary. Some of whom feared falling and looked like penguins skating on ice. Eventually, they still did fall. Mostly secondary school students who showed off their speed and swift movements in skating [those who knew how to skate, of course].

So coincidentally, maintenance of the ice rink was carried out. A large moving machine operated by one person, smoothened the loose flakes of ices. It took him about 10-15 minutes to manoeuver around the entire rink.

Since Baobao's bbq is on Saturday and the theme was stripes and bandana, both of which i do not have, i had to buy a stripe blouse. Got one from This Fashion for $19. Reasonable price, i believe. Baobao, if you ever read this, SEE!!! All for your bbq. Haha... As long as there are stripes right? =x

Time for home after that! Tired tired tired.

Posted by Lynette at 7:49 PM

Monday, June 02, 2008
Kbox 1 June 2008

Our usual kbox session. This time round, we had the 2-7pm session. Our voices literally cracked.

Dave's enlistment date is getting nearer each day. That only means our future kbox sessions will be reduced greatly. Gonna miss bro. Lol.

Poor Chris was tortured by Dave and i. He had to sing the songs we picked for him. One after another... Sadistic us. Ho ho ho...

2-7pm for 3 people was slightly too long. Slightly past 6pm and we were on the verge of giving up. In the end, we stayed till 7 plus. Lol. The final song never ends. Human nature?

But it was fun, like every other time. Suppose the next kbox outing will not be that soon to come any longer. =(

Posted by Lynette at 10:10 PM

Sunday, June 01, 2008
NP Graduation Night 2008

Preparation took several hours. Went to put on contact lenses at the optical shop. Such a sweet guy. Actually inserted them for me VERY patiently. Haha, i constantly blinked my eyes and he was trying hard to hold my eyelids back, from shutting. Guessed i tried more than 10 times on my right eye? Stubborn eye. Finally it went in. Thank god. The left eye was more obedient. Very quickly, it went in and i was done!

Went to a nearby hair salon to have my hair done up. Cost me $25! Omg. So expensive. I got lots of pins in return. =.=

Then came the time for the big bash. Unfortunately, Priscilla didn't turn up for she was working. I was alone! So sad. Luckily, a guy from PDI came over and chatted me up. Hmmm... hung out with him the whole night, along with another loner girl from ECH. Not too bad. At least we three had one another's company.

Dinner was pretty good. An 8-course dinner followed by the traditional or-ni [yam] paste. Activities were lined up throughout the entire night.

Magic show, performances by Daphne Khoo and Paul TwoHill, flame thrower/eater, and engaging the audience to participate in the activities. MTV showcase was the best. Really hilarious. 4 couples were sent on stage to dance a song from either of the four multi racial languages in Singapore. Hindu dance gained the audience's votes. Fabulous stuff.

Right after the dessert, we left. Didn't wish to stay till 3am to party. Would be dead tired by then. Mr Guy offered to share a cab. Didn't want to disappoint nor reject, so i accepted it. Slightly awkward in the cab. Luckily for the messages which came pouring in... saved me a fair bit.

Fortunately there were Ms Lady and Mr Guy as companions. The day didn't turn out as bad i thought it would be. Thanks dudes! =)

Posted by Lynette at 11:51 AM


Lynette Lee




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